Friday 26 August 2011

August 27 Events in History

2010Mexico's lead investigator of the 72 corpses found near
the U.S. Texas border at Tamaulipas, has been missing for two days
2010After a weeklong battle with 43 people killed,
Somalia's al-Shabaab rebel group called for
reinforcements to take over the capital Mogadishu
1995"Arcadia" closes at Vivian Beaumont Theater New York
City after 204 performances
199523rd du Maurier Golf Classic: Jenny Lidback
199595th U.S. Golf Amateur Championship won by
Tiger Woods
1995Worst fire in New York in 80 years ends after 4 days
1994"Laughter on the 23rd Floor" closes at R Rodgers
New York City after 320 performances
1993Yak-40 crashes in Tadzjikistan, 79 killed/1 lives
1992CFL revokes BC Lions franchise
1992Mets trade David Cone to Toronto for Jeff Kent and Ryan Thompson
1991Moldavia declares independence from U.S.S.R.
199052 Americans arrive in Turkey from Iraq
1990Brewers-Blue Jays game is delayed 35 minutes due to gnats
1990Rosa Mota wins female marathon (2:31:27)
1990WWF Summer Slam-Ultimate Warrior beats Rick Rude
1989100 march through Bensonhurst protesting racial killings
198989th U.S. Golf Amateur Championship won by Chris Patton
1989Betsy King wins LPGA Nestle World Golf Championship
1989Tina Barrett wins LPGA Mitsubishi Motors Ocean State Golf Open
1988Dodger Tommy Lasorda wins 1,000th game as manager
 tops Philadelphia, 4-2
1986Emmy News and Documentaries Award presentation
198520th Space Shuttle Mission (51-I)-Discovery 6-launched
1985Mary Joe Fernandez, 14 years and 8 days old is
youngest to win a U.S. Tennis Open match
 (beats Sara Gomer in 1st round)
1984President Reagan announces Teacher in Space project
1984U.S.S.R. performs underground nuclear test
1983Haiti adopts constitution
1983U.S. performs nuclear test
1982Rickey Henderson steals 119th base of season breaks
Lou Brock's mark
1982Soyuz T-7 returns to Earth
1981Divers begin to recover a safe found aboard Andrea Doria
1981U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1980Chon Doo Hwan elected President of South Korea
197918 British militia die in ambush/bomb attack in Northern Ireland
1978Gerrie Knetemann becomes world cyclist champion
1978Reds Joe Morgan is 1st to hit 200 home runs and
have 500 stolen bases
1978Shelley Hamlin wins LPGA Patty Berg Golf Classic
1978Yankee Catfish Hunter's 6-2 win gives him a perfect
6-0 in Aug 1978
1977"Chicago" closes at 46th St. Theater New York City
after 947 performances
1977Army shoots on market vendor women in Conakry Guinee
1977Toby Harrah and Bump Wills hit back-to-back i
nside-the-park-homers off Yankee Ken Clay at Yankee Stadium, Rangers won 8-2
19751st night match at U.S. Tennis Open (Parun defeats Smith)
1975Veronica and Colin Scargill (England) complete tandem
bicycle ride, a record 18,020 miles around the world
1974New York Met Benny Ayala hits a home run in his
1st at bat
1972Sandra Haynie wins LPGA National Jewish Hospital
 Golf Open
1972U.S. bombs Haiphong North Vietnam
1969Lindy's Pride win Hambletonian Stakes
1969Mike Procter hits six consecutive sixes
(across two overs)
1967Naomi Sims is 1st black model on U.S. cover
(Fashion of the Times)
1967Sandra Haynie wins LPGA Amarillo Ladies' Golf Open
1966Francis Chichester begins 1st solo sail around world
1966Oakland Pitcher Paul Lindblad begins a 385 cons
 errorless streak
1966Race riot in Waukegan, Illinois
1966Sir Francis Chichester begins 1st solo ocean voyage
around the world
1965Beatles spend an evening with Elvis Presley
1965WTVI TV channel 42 in Charlotte, North Carolina (PBS)
begins broadcasting
1962Mariner 2 launched; 1st probe to fly by Venus
1962U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Novaya Zemlya
1961Francis the Talking Mule is mystery guest on
 "What's My Line"
1961Mickey Wright wins LPGA Spokane Women's Golf Open
1960Anita Lonsbrough swims world/olympic record 200m (2:49.5)
1960Mickey Wright wins LPGA Grossinger Golf Open
1958Calvin Griffith says Senators will prob accept offer
to move to Minn
1958U.S. performs nuclear test at S Atlantic Ocean
1958U.S.S.R. launches Sputnik 3 with 2 dogs aboard
1957Hickory Smoke wins Hambletonian Stakes
1957U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1956Curt Robert of Columbus (International League) hits
 4 home runs in 7 inning game
1955Guinness Book of World Records 1st published
1955Sandy Koufax fans 14 Reds, both teams combine
for record 23 strikeouts
1952Emil Zatopek wins 12th olympics marathon (2:23:03.2)
19501st transmission of a TV program from continental
Europe shown on BBC
1950General Foods blacklists Jean Muir of Aldrich Family
 as a communist
1948102 degrees F highest temperature ever recorded in
Cleveland in August
1945U.S. troops land in Japan after Japanese surrender
1944200 Halifax bombers attack oil-installations in Homburg
1942Cuba declares war on Germany, Japan and Italy
1941Shah of Iran abdicates throne to his son Reza
1940Caproni-Campini CC-2, experimental jet plane,
maiden flight (Milan)
1939Erich Warsitz makes 1st jet-propelled flight (in a Heinkel He-178)
1939Heinkel He-178 makes 1st manned flight w
ith rocket/jet propulsion
1939Nazi Germany demands Danzig and Polish corridor
1939Queen Wilhelmina receives German ambassador Grave Zech
1938Yankees Monte Pearson no-hits Indians 13-0,
DiMaggio hits 3 triples
1937Bkln Dodger Fred Frankhouse no-hits Cin, 5-0
in 7 2/3 inn game
1937George E T Eyston sets world auto speed record at 345.49 MPH
1934Arlen, Ira Gershwin and Harburgs musical premieres in New York City
1933Earl Averill becomes 2nd Cleveland ballplayer to hit
for cycle Moody defaults in 3rd set, trailing 3-0
1932200,000 English textile workers strike
1932International anti-war congress opens in Amsterdam
192816 die in a New York City subway's 2nd worst accident
192842nd U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen W Moody beats
Helen Hull Jacobs (62 61)
1928Kellogg-Briand Pact, where 60 nations agree to outlaw war
1927Parks College, America's oldest aviation school, opens
1922Paavo Nurmi runs world record 3000m (8:28.6)
1921J E Clair of Acme Packing Co of Green Bay granted
 an NFL franchise
1918Christy Mathewson resigns as Reds manager to accept
a commission as a captain in chemical warfare branch of Army
1918Dr. Joseph L Johnson named minister to Liberia
1917Indians set club record by stealing eight bases in a game
1916Romania declares war on Austria-Hungary
19142nd day of battle at Tannenberg: German bombs Usdau
1914U.S. war reporter Richard H. Davis visits Leuven
1913Lt Peter Nestrov, of Imperial Russian Air Service, performs
a loop in a monoplane at Kiev
(1st aerobatic maneuver in an airplane)
1912Edgar Rice Burroughs' publishes "Tarzan of the Apes"
1911Chicago White Sox Ed Walsh no-hits Boston, 5-0
1910Using 20, 137,000 candlepower arc lights, 2 amateur
baseball teams play a night game at White Sox Park
1910Washington Red Killefer sacrifices record 4 times
against Detroit
1909Jack Chesbro's final Yankee game
1908Calgary City Rugby Foot-ball Club re-organizes
as the Tigers
190323rd U.S. Mens Tennis: Hugh L Doherty beats
William A Larned (60 63 108)
1900Battle at Bergendal: General Buller beats Boer
 general Botha
1897Roger Bresnahan debuts as Washington Senator
 pitcher (later HOF catcher)
1896England defeated Zanzibar in a 38-minute war
(9:02 AM-9:40 AM)
189515th U.S. Mens Tennis: Fred H Hovey beats
Robert D Wrenn (63 62 64)
1894Congress passes Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act,
which includes
a graduated income tax later struck down
by the Supreme Court
1892New York City Metropolitan Opera House catches fire
1883Krakatoa, west of Java, explodes with a force of
1,300 megatons
1881Hurricane hits Florida and Carolinas; about 700 die
1861Battle of Cape Hatteras SC-Union troops take Ft. Clark
18591st successful oil well drilled, near Titusville,
Penn by Edwin Drake
1832Black Hawk, leader of Sauk-indians, gives himself up
1828Uruguay gains independence during
Brazil-Argentina peace talk
1816Lord Exmouth bombs Algiers, a refuge for Barbary pirates
1813Battle of Dresden-Napoleon defeats Austrians
1799English invasion army lands in North-Holland
1798Battle at Castelbar, Ireland: French army hunts The English
1789French National Assembly issues "Decl of Rights of Man and Citizen"
1788Jacques Neeker names French minister of Finance
17831st hydrogen balloon flight (unmanned); reaches 900 m altitude
1776British defeat Americans in Battle of Long Island
1667Earliest recorded hurricane in U.S., Jamestown, Virginia
1665"Ye Bare and Ye Cubb" is 1st play, performed
in North America (Acomac, Va)
1634Battle of Nordingen-Bernhard of Saxe-Weimar,
 loses Duchy of Francomia
1628Java sultan Agung van Mataram attacks Batavia
1626Battle at Lutter: Catholic League beats Danish
king Christian IV
1619Monarch Frederik van Palts chosen king of Bohemia
1610Polish King Wladyslaw crowned king of Russia
1601Olivier van Noort completes 1st Dutch exploration
of new world
1585Duke van Parma's troops occupy Antwerp
1569Pope Pius names Cosimo I de' Medici, grand
duke of Toscane
1549Battle at Dussindale: John Dudley destroys
English boer army
1232Kioto Staatsraad accept Joei Legislation

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