Thursday 18 August 2011

August 19 Events in History

Jakarta launches female train carriages in an effort to reduce 
incidents of public sexual harassment
In Sichuan, China, massive flooding sweeps two passenger 
train carriages into the river
U.S. Army officer William Calley publicly apologizes
for the mass killings in the Vietnamese community of
My Lai
1997New York Yankee 3rd baseman Wade Boggs pitches a scoreless 
inning vs Anaheim
1997STS-85 (Discovery 23) lands
1995After 5 days Shannon Faulkner quits as 1st woman at the Citadel
1995Bruce Seldon TKOs Joe Hipp in 10 for heavyweight boxing title
1995Mike Tyson returns to the ring and DQs Peter McNeeley in 38 seconds
199334th Walker Cup: U.S., 19-5
1993Actress Kim Basinger weds actor Alec Baldwin
1993Dow Jones hits record high of 3612.13
1993George Tiller, abortion doctor, shot in his arms by Rachelle Shannon
1993Mattel and Fisher Price toys merge
1993Sally Gunnell runs lady world record 400m hurdles (52.74")
1992Romesh Kaluwitharana scores 132 on 
Test Cricket debut (SL vs. Australia)
1992Sri Lanka make their highest cricket score ever 8-547 vs. Australia
1991Hurricane Bob hits U.S.
1991Janajev and KGB coup in Russia deposes Mikhail Gorbachev
1991Janel Bishop, 17, of New Hampshire, crowned 9th Miss Teen USA
1990Betsy King wins LPGA JAL Big Apple Golf Classic
1990Dodger Jose Offerman hits home run in his 1st at bat
1990New York Yankee Kevin Mass is quickest to reach 14 home runs 
(approx 128 at bat)
1989Tadeusz Mazowiecki, elected 1st non-communist 
president of Poland
1988Iran-Iraq begin a cease-fire in their 8-year-old war (11 PM EDT)
1988Muang Muang succeeds General Sein Lwin as President of Burma
1988New York Rangers sign ex-Canadien great Guy LaFluer
1986Car bomb kills 20 in Tehran, Iran
1985Japan launches its 2nd probe of Halley's Comet, Suisei
198466th PGA Championship: Lee Trevino shoots a 273 at 
Shoal Creek Ala
1984Nancy Lopez wins LPGA Chevrolet World Championship 
of Women's Golf
1984Republican convention in Houston nominates Ronald Reagan 
for president
1984Sally Quinlan wins LPGA MasterCard Golf International Pro-Am
1983LSU footballer Billy Cannon sentenced to 5 years for counterfeiting
1983Dodgers trade Dave Stewart and Ricky Wright to 
Texas for Rick Honeycut
1982Renaldo Nehemiah of U.S. sets record for 110 m hurdles, 12.93 sec
1982Soyuz T-7 launched, Svetlana Savtiskaya 2nd woman in space
19812 U.S. Navy F-14 jet fighters shoot down 2 Soviet-built Libyan SU-22
1980George Brett ends hitting streak at 30
1980Saudi Arabian Lockhead Tristar crashes on landing at Riyadh, 301 die
1980Willy Russell's "Educating Rita," premieres in London
1979"My Sharonna" by the Knack hits #1 (stays for 42 days)
1979Crew of Soyuz 32 returns to Earth aboard Soyuz 34 aft 175 d flight
1979Sally wins LPGA Barth Golf Classic Little
Soviet Cosmonauts Vladimir Lyakov and Valery Ryumin returned to 
Earth aboard Soyuz 34 after a record 175 days in space
1978422 die in an arson fire at a movie theater in Iran
1977U.S.S.R. performs nuclear test at Sary Shagan U.S.S.R.
1976President Gerald R. Ford won Republican President nomination 
at Kansas City convention
1975Astros hire Bill Virdon to replace Preston Gomez as manager
1973France performs nuclear test at Muruora Island
1973Kris Kristofferson weds Rita Coolidge
1973Sandra Palmer wins LPGA St. Paul Golf Open
1969Chicago Cub Ken Holtzman no-hits Atlanta Braves, 3-0
1967Beatles' "All You Need is Love," single goes #1
1966Earthquake strikes Varko Turkey: 2,400 killed
1965Auschwitz trials end with 6 life sentences
1965Cincinnati Red Jim Maloney 2nd no-hitter of year beats 
Chicago Cubs, 1-0
1964Communication satellite Syncom 3 launched
1963NAACP Youth Council begins sit-ins at lunch counters, 
Oklahoma City
1962Homer Blancos plays finest round in golf, shooting a 55
1962Mickey Wright wins LPGA Albuquerque 
Swing Parade Golf Tournament
1961U.S. vice-president Lyndon B. Johnson visits West Berlin
1960Francis Gary Powers convicted of spying by U.S.S.R. (U-2 incident)
1960Sputnik 5 carries 2 dogs, 3 mice into orbit (later recovered alive)
1959Doctor X beats Wilber Snyder in Omaha, to become 
NWA wrestling champ
1959Honolulu seeks a franchise in Continental League
1959Satellite Discoverer 6 launched into polar orbit
1958NAACP Youth Council begin sit-ins at Oklahoma City Lunch counters
1957New York Giants vote 8-1 to move their franchise to San Francisco in 1958
1957U.S. Major David Simons reaches 30,933m in a balloon
1956Fay Crocker wins LPGA St. Louis Golf Open
195532.4 cm precipitation at Burlington, Connecticut (state record)
1955Hurricane Diane kills 200 and 1st billion $ damage storm (N.E. U.S.)
1955U.S. raises import duty on bicycles 50%
WINS radio, announces it will not play "copy" white cover versions of 
R&B (DJs must play Fats Domino's "Ain't It A Shame," not Pat Boone's)
1954Ralph J. Bunche named undersecretary of UN
1953England regained cricket Ashes after winning series 1-0
1951Bill Veeck (Browns) sends Eddie Gaedel, a 3'7" midget, to pinch-hit
1950ABC begins Saturday morning kid shows (Animal Clinic and Acrobat Ranch)
1947J Arens and D van Dorpen synthetise vitamin A
1945Phillies Jimmie Foxx, 37, pitches 1st 7 innings vs Reds and wins
1944Allied air raid on Maastricht, 80+ killed
1944General Bradley visits Montgomery
1944Last Japanese troops driven out of India
1944Nazi's give parts of Paris to Resistance
1944Paris police strike against nazi occupiers
1944Polish 1st Division occupies Hill 262 (Mont Ormel), Normandy
1944U.S. 15th Army corp occupies Mantes-Gassicourt at Paris
1944U.S. 90th/Polish 1st Division occupy Chambois Normandy
1943Belgian church excommunicates nazi Leon Degrelle
1943U.S. air raid on German bases at Gilze-Rijen/Vlissingen
1942Churchill visits Montgomery's headquarter in Burg-al-Arab
19421st American offensive in Pacific in WW2, Guadalcanal, Solomon Is
19424,000 Canadian and British soldiers killed raiding Dieppe, France
1942General Paulus orders German 6th Army to conquer Stalingrad
Ump Jocko Conlan ejects Pirate manager Frankie Frisch 
for coming out on field holding an umbrella to get a rainout
193937.6 cm rainfall at Tuckerton, New Jersey (state record)
1936Trial against Ljev Kamenev and Grigori Zinovjev because of 
"Trotskyism" opens in Moscow
193448th U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen Jacobs beats Sarah H P Fabyan (61 64)
1934Hitler elected Fuhrer (95.7% of German voters)
1934Paul Runyan wins PGA golf tournament
193347th U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen Jacobs beats 
Helen Moody (86 36 30 ret)
193246th U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen Jacobs beats 
Carolin A Babcock (62 62)
1931Lefty Grove wins AL record tying 16th consecutive game
192236th U.S. Womens Tennis: Molla B Mallory beats Helen Wills Moody (63 61)
1921Ty Cobb, is 4th to get 3,000 hits
1919Afghanistan declares independence from U.K.
1918Irving Berlin's musical "Yip Yip Yaphank," premieres in New York City
1917Sunday benefit baseball game at Polo Grounds results in John McGraw and 
Christy Mathewson's arrest for violating Blue laws
1915Rationing laws go into effect in Netherlands
1914Elmer Rice' "On Trial," premieres in New York City
1914German army executed 150 Belgians by firing squad
1914German fleet bombs English coast
1914Harris Theater (Candler, Coan and Harris) opens at 226 W 42nd 
St. New York City
1913Frenchman Pegoud makes 1st parachute jump in Europe
1912Percy Aldridge Grainger's "Shepherd's Key," premieres
1911New York Giant Christy Mathewson loses after 
beating Reds 22 straight times
1909Indianapolis 500 race track opens
1905Russian tsar installs "Imperial Duma," without legislative powers
1903Phillies suffer record 9th straight posponed game
1900Start of the one and only olympic cricket match, in Paris
18971st electric taxi's drive in London
1891William Huggins describes astronomical application of spectrum
18881st beauty contest (Spa, Belgium), 18 yr old West Indian wins
18642nd day of battle at Globe Tavern, Virginia
1849New York Herald reports gold discovery in California
1839Details of Louis Daguerre's 1st practical photographic process are released in Paris
1836HMS Beagle anchors at Angra Azores
1826Canada Co chartered to colonize Upper Canada (Ontario)
1821Failed liberal coup against French King Louis XVIII
1816Java again in Dutch hands
1812U.S. warship Constitution defeats British warship Guerriere
1796Spain and France sign anti-English alliance
1791Benjamin Banneker published his 1st Almanac
1787W Herschel discovers Enceladus, a moon of Saturn
Gustav III seizes effective control of Swedish government and restores full power
of monarchy, which had been subordinate to parliament since 1720
1702Battle at Santa Marta Venz: English fleet beat French
1698Russian czar Peter the Great begins term
16925 women executed for witchcraft in Salem Mass
1691Battle at Szalankemen: Austrians beat Turks
1627Prince Frederik Henry conquerors fort Groenlo
1591French king Henri IV occupies Rouen
1587Sigismund III becomes king of Poland
1561Mary Queen of Scots arrives in Leith Scotland to assume throne 
after spending 13 years in France
1524Emperor Charles V's troops besieges Marseille
1493Maximilian I of Austria becomes Roman Catholic German emperor
1477Maximilian I, son of Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III, weds Mary of
1477Burgundy and acquires Burgundian possessions in the 
Netherlands and France
1458Aenea Silvio Piccolomini chosen Pope Pius II
1399King Richard II of England surrenders to his cousin Henry
1263King James I of Argon censors Hebrew writing
1099Crusaders beat Saracens in Battle of Ascalon
1071Battle at Manzikert: Seldjuken sultan
Alp Arslan beats Byzantine King
440St. Sixtus III ends his reign as Catholic Pope

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