Tuesday 23 August 2011

August 24 Events in History

2010The U.S. Department of Justice plans to appeal the
decision to block President Obama's executive order
to expand embryonic stem cell research
20082008 Summer Olympics come to a close in Beijing, China
2006Pluto is demoted to a 'dwarf planet'
199797th U.S. Golf Amateur Championship won by Joel Kribel
1997Colleen Wakjer wins Star Bank LPGA Classic
1997Greg Norman wins World Series of Golf shooting 273
1997Mark Calcavecchia wins Greater Vancouver Golf
Open shooting 265
1997Saint Luke's Senior Golf Classic
1995Fire that wipes 6,000 acres begins in Hamptons on
Long Island
1995Windows 95 debuts
1994Kieren Perkins swims world record 1500m free style (14:41.66)
1994Kieren Perkins swims world record 800m free style (7:46.00)
1994Israel and PLO initialed accord giving autonomy to
Palestinians in West Bank in education, health,
taxation, social welfare and tourism
1993Mars Observer comes closest to Mars
1993Padres scores 14 in 1st vs. Cardinals
19921st structural steel beams are erected at Gateway
(Jacobs Field)
1992Cleveland Browns suffer their worst preseason loss, 56-3,
to Vikings
1992Hurricane Andrew hits South Florida; 35 die
1992Screw magazine superimposed a gunsight over a picture
of Larry Flint
1991Emmy Creative Arts Award presentation
1991Gorbachev resigns as head of U.S.S.R. Communist Party
1991Silky Stallone, wins the Cane Pace at Yonkers Raceway
1991Taiwan captures its 15th Little League World Series, 11-0
1991Ukraine declares independence from U.S.S.R.
19903,500 peacekeepers arrive in Liberia
1990Iraqi troops surround U.S. and other embassies in Kuwait City
1989British brewery Bass buys Holiday Inn hotel chain
1989Pete Rose is suspended from baseball for life for gambling
1989Voyager 2 flies past Neptune
1987Announcement of possible Martian tornadoes
1986Juli Inkster wins Atlantic City LPGA Golf Classic
1985STS-51-I mission scrubbed at T -5m because of bad weather
1984Pat Bradley set LPGA record for 9 holes with a 28 at Denver
1983Cincinnati Red Pete Rose ends consecutive games
played streak at 745
1982KC's John Wathan steals 31st en route to 36 base for c
atcher's record
1981American Charles Chapman is 1st black to swim English
1981Mark David Chapman is sentenced to 20 years to life for
Lennon's murder
1980Beth Daniel wins Columbia Savings LPGA Golf Classic
1980Jozef Pinkovski replaces Poland premier Babiuch
1979Cars play concert in New York Central Park
1979NFL fans (60,916) choose old Patriots logo over new
1979U.N.'s Vienna office begins issuing postage stamps
1978U.S.S.R. performs underground nuclear test
1976Soyuz 21 returns to Earth
1975Davey Lopes steals his 38th consecutive base,
hen thrown out stealing
1975Judy Rankin wins LPGA National Jewish Hospital Golf Open
1975Papadopoulos/Pattakos/Makarezos sentenced to
death in Athens
1975San Francisco Giant Ed Halick no-hits New York Giants, 6-0
1975Tampa Bay Rowdies beat Portland 2-0 for NASL cup
1974Sandra Haynie wins LPGA National Jewish Hospital Golf Open
1973John Adams and his drum - become a right-field fixture in
Cleveland Stadium
19728th Mayor's Trophy Game, Yankees beat Mets 2-1
1972Dennis Amiss scores 1st one-day int century,
103 vs. Australia
1972Gordie Howe and Jean Beliveau inducted in
Hockey Hall of Fame
1971India beat England by 4 wickets, their win against the Poms
1970Bomb kills 1 at University of Wisconsin's Army
Math Research Center in Madison
1969Carol Mann wins LPGA Tournament of Champs Golf Tournament
1969Peru nationalizes U.S. oil interests
1968France became world's 5th thermonuclear power, explodes on Mururoa
1966U.S.S.R. launches Luna 11 for orbit around Moon
19642nd Mayor's Trophy Game, Yankees beat Mets 6-4
19631st 200 meter freestyle swum under 2 minutes (Don Schollander 1:58)
1963John Pennel is 1st to pole-vault 17'
1962Dodger coach Leo Durocher suffers a near-fatal allergic
reaction to a penicillin injection while in the clubhouse
at the Polo Grounds
1962U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
1961Windward Islands' Airways International (Winair) forms
1961Former nazi leader Johannes Vorster becomes
South Africa's minister of justice (if the shoe fits...)
1960-127 degrees F (-88 degrees C), Vostok, Antarctica
(world record)
196060 people die when bus plunges off bridge into Turvo River, Brazil
1959England complete 5-0 series drubbing of India
1959Hiram Fong sworn in as 1st Chinese-American senator while
 Daniel K Inouye sworn in as 1st Japanese-American Rep
(Both from Hawaii)
1958Fay Crocker wins LPGA Waterloo Golf Open
1958Sergei Popov wins Stockholm marathon (2:15:17.0) (WR)
1957British soccer player Jimmy Greaves' (17) 1st game for Chelsea
19561st non-stop transcontinental helicopter flight
arrived Washington D.C.
1954Eisenhower signs Communist Control Act, outlawing
the Communist Party
1954International Amateur Athletic Federation recognizes
 Red China
1954William Heatherton's "Reluctant Debutante," premieres
in London
1951Bill Veeck's "Fans Managers' Night," Browns defeat A's 5-3;
Browns coaches hold up placards for fans to vote on
1950Edith Sampson named 1st black U.S. delegate to U.N.
1950Operation Magic Carpet concludes transporting 45,000
Yemenite Jews
1949NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, goes into effect
1945Cleveland ace Bob Feller returns from Navy and strike out 12
1944General LeClercs troops open assault on Paris
1943Philadelphia A's drop AL record tying 20th game in a row,
win the 2nd game
1942Sea battle off Eastern Solomon Islands
1942Transport nr 23 departs with French Jews to nazi-Germany
1940Luftwaffe bombs London
1940Red Sox left fielder Ted Williams pitches the last 2 innings in a 12-1
loss to Detroit Tigers, Williams allows 3 hits and 1 run
1939Germany and U.S.S.R. sign 10-year non-aggression pact
1938England beat Australia by an innings and 579 runs at The Oval
1938Virgil Trucks strikes out his 418th batter, highest season
total in organized ball-for Andalusia in an
Alabama-Florida League game
1937Republican offensive near Belchite Spain
1936Australian Antarctic Territory created
1936Franklin D. Roosevelt gives FBI authority to pursuit
fascists and communists
19321st transcontinental non-stop flight by a woman, Amelia Earhart
1931France and U.S.S.R. sign neutrality/no attack treaty
192943rd U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen Wills Moody beats
Phoebe H Watson (64 62)
1929Palestinians attack orthodox Jews in Jerusalem
1929Turkey and Persia signs friendship treaty
192539th U.S. Womens Tennis: Helen Wills Moody beats
K McKane (36 60 62)
1923Paavo Nurmi runs world record 3 mile (14:11.2)
19221st Phillie to hit for cycle (Cy Williams)
1921Battle of Sakaray Valley begins between Turkey and Greece
1921British airship R-38 crashes in Humber, 44 die
1919Cleveland pitcher Ray Caldwell is flattened by a bolt of lightning
1918Chicago Cubs, win earliest pennent ever (season ended Sept 2)
1918Sect Baker grants extended exemption to World Series players
1914Battle at Bergen: Germans defeat Belgian/British troops
1914German troops occupy Namur Belgium
1914Jerome Kern and Michael E Rourles musical premieres
in New York City
1912New York City ticker tape parade for Jim Thorpe and
victorious U.S. olympians
1912Territory of Alaska organizes
1912U.S. passes Anti-gag law, federal employees right to
petition government
1911Manuel d'Arriaga elected 1st president of Portugal
1909Workers start pouring concrete for Panama Canal
1908Tommy Burns KOs Bill Squires in 13 for heavyweight boxing title
1908New York Giants scores shown on electric diamonds known
as "Compton's Baseball Bulletin" at MSG
1906Cincinnati Red John Weimer no-hits Dodgers, 1-0 in 7 inning game
1905Chicago Cubs beat Phillies 2-1 in 20 innings
190424th U.S. Mens Tennis: Holcombe Ward beats
William Clothier (108 64 97)
1904Field battle at Liao-Yang-200,000 Japanese against
150,000 Russian
1893Tornado destroys coast of Savannah and Charleston,
about 1000 die
1891Thomas Edison patents motion picture camera
1876Riot abolishes fairs in Amsterdam, 2 killed
1869Cornelius Swarthout patents waffle iron
1858Richmond "Daily Dispatch" reports 90 blacks arrested for learning
1854National emigration convention meets in Cleveland
18531st potato chips prepared by Chef George Crum (
Saratoga Springs New York)
1847Charlotte Bronte finishes manuscript of "Jane Eyre"
1833HMS Beagle reaches Bahia Blanca, Argentina
1831John Henslow asks Charles Darwin to travel with him on
HMS Beagle
1828Dutch army takes Fort Du Bus in New Guinea
1826Netherland's South Willems Port (Bosch-Luik) opens
1814British forces captured Washington, D.C., and burned
down many landmarks
1787Wolfgang A Mozart completes his viola sonata in A, K526
1751Thomas Colley executed in England for drowning
supposed witch
1704Sea battle at Malaga
1690Job Charnock founds Calcutta India
1682Duke James of York gives Delaware to William Penn
1662Act of Uniformity requires English to accept book of
Common Prayer
1658Battle at Grevelingen: English fleet beats Spanish
1654Louis II Conde disbands ends of Atrecht
16081st English convoy lands at Surat India
1572King Charles IX orders massacre of thousands of
French Protestants
1561Willem of Orange marries duchess Anna of Saxon
1542Conquistador Francisco de Orellana returns to Spain
1516Battle at Aleppo: Turks beat Syria
1511Portugese troops under Afonso the Albuquerque
occupy Malakka
1391Jews of Palma Majorca massacred
13496,000 Jews, blamed for the Plague, are killed in Mainz
1349Jews of Cologne Germany set themselves on fire to
avoid baptism
1217Battle at South Foreland: English fleet beats France
1215Pope Innocent III declares Magna Carta invalid
410Rome overrun by Visigoths, symbolized fall of Western
Roman Empire
79Mount Vesuvius erupts, buries Pompeii and Herculaneum,
15,000 die

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